Number: Atomic Weight:
Element Type: Crystal
Structure: Melting Point:
Boiling Point: Critical
Temp: Atomic Radius:
Covalent Radius: Electronegativity:
Noble Gas
Cubic Face Centered
-248.59°C = -415.462°F = 24.56 K
-228.7°C = -379.66°F = 44.45 K °C
= °F = K
0.51Å (Å = Angstrom = 10-10 m)
0.71Å |
(Gr. neos, new) Discovered by Ramsay and Travers in 1898.
Neon is a rare gaseouselement present in the atmosphere
to the extent of 1 part in 65,000 of air. It is obtainedby
liquefaction of air and separated from the other gases by
fractional distillation.
Neon is a rare gaseous element. It is present in the atmosphere
to the extent of 1 part per 65,000 of air. Neon is obtained
by liquefaction of air and separation using fractional distillation.
Neon is used to make neon signs. Neon and helium are used
to make gas lasers. Neon is used in lightning arrestors,
television tubes, high-voltage indicators, and wave meter
tubes. Liquid neon is used as a cryogenic refrigerant, as
it has over 40 times the refrigerating capacity per unit
volume than liquid helium and over three times that of liquid